How Much Land Do You Need For a Campground?

land you need for a business

In order to start a campground, you’ll need more than just land. You’ll need to understand how much land is legally required, how many campsites are allowed per acre, and other legal requirements. This article will help entrepreneurs understand the basics of what’s needed when starting a campground.

How Much Land Is Legally Required For A Campground?

The amount of land needed for a campground depends on the zoning of the area. However, on average, a campground needs about 5 to 10 acres of land. But, you should contact your local zoning office to get the specific requirements for your area.


How Many Campsites Are Allowed Per Acre?

The number of campsites allowed per acre varies from state to state. However, on average, each acre will hold about 25 camper sites or 15 RV sites. So, if you have 5 acres of land, you could probably have up to 125 campsites or 75 RV sites.

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Additional Legal Requirements For A Campground

There are other legal requirements to meet when building a campground. Below are some of the most important requirements:

  • Buffer Zones: You’ll need to create a buffer zone between your campground and any neighboring properties. This is to ensure that there’s enough space between the campground and any residences. The size of the buffer zone depends on the state, but it’s typically about 25 to 50 feet.
  • Setbacks: Setbacks are the minimum distance that your campground must be from any roads, waterways, or other structures. The setback requirements vary depending on the state, but they’re typically about 50 to 100 feet.
  • Building Codes: There are also building codes that you’ll need to follow when constructing your campground. These codes govern things like the size of the campsites, the height of the buildings, and how close the campsites can be to each other.
  • Septic Systems: If your campground is going to have more than 10 campsites, you’ll need to install a septic system. This is a system that will treat the wastewater from the RVs and/or restrooms.
  • Water Systems: You’ll also need to have a water system in place. This system will provide fresh water throughout the campground.
  • Fire Codes: There are also fire codes that you’ll need to follow. These codes govern things like how close the campsites can be to each other and how many fire pits you can have.
  • Electricity: If you’re going to have electrical hookups at the campsites, you’ll need to follow the electrical code. This code governs items such as how close the campsites can be to each other and how many electrical outlets there can be per site.
  • Permits: Finally, you’ll need to get the proper permits before you can start construction on your campground. The permits vary, depending on the state, but they typically include a building permit and a septic permit.

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By understanding how much land is needed for a campground, how many campsites are allowed per acre, and other legal requirements, you can ensure that your campground is built properly and in compliance with the law. Hopefully, you now have the basic information and knowledge you need to get started.